Prophetic Alert October 5, 2013 -
Prophetic Alert The spirit of pythos was taken down, the spirit of divitation was removed from this nation and it is attmepting to come back and suffocate this nation. I will not allow it says the Lord. The eagle shall soar again, the eagle shall soar again says the Lord.I say to My spiritual leaders, says the Lord, you look to your President, Congress, the Senate, and you say, "They have let us down." But I say to you, says the Lord, you - shepherds, prophets – have let them down. I do not look to the political leaders for faith; I look to My church, to My kingdom, and the watchmen on the wall, that I have placed there. And if they are not watching and praying according to My will, the nation falls. The nation does not fall because of Barak Obama. The nation does not rise or fall by the Senate, even though they have been placed there. But My spiritual leaders have been given the power, that same power that I gave to Simon Peter. What you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; what you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Who have I given the keys to, says the Lord? Tell Me – who? I gave them to you – My people, washed in My Blood – and yet you smile and you think of the defeat and the fall of this nation. You wish for it to be punished, and I say to you, where shall they run to? This nation has been raised up to send My message throughout the earth. It is a rock that cannot be broken and will not be broken. Leaders may come and go; economies may rise and fall. Keep not your eyes on the market and do not sell out of fear, for if you do, you will lose, for this is just a short season of stupidity and noise considering what I am about to do in the Middle East and what I will do this next week. Keep your eyes open and stop being fooled and deceived by secular voices and media that speak only what they know in their minds but do not know in their spirits.(Kim prays that God will take this nation and His people and raise them up to be a voice again, to live and to breathe life.)There are four demonic strongholds watching on the four corners of this nation; four demonic strongholds that are watching from the north, south, east and west. They have collaborated together. They have collaborated together and said, "We have in the palm of our hands - we have in the palm of our hands, religious leaders." And yet my servant, Joel Osteen, would speak as a voice and they hate him - religious leaders that hate the voice of hope. These four demonic strongholds laugh at you, trying to prove your point, but there are certain ones that they are afraid of. Be still! When His word has been spoken, it cannot return void, no matter who commits sins. I sent My Christ when Rome ruled My nation. My nation became corrupt because Rome, they said, was to blame. They blamed Rome for the condition of Israel. Huh. And yet Israel had whatever it took; they had the holy place. It had a priesthood – reluctant – who’d rather do business in My Father’s house. You blame Rome; you blame the Senate. God says I blame you. You have what it takes to turn this nation upside down.What of binding? What of loosing? And yet Christ came in the midst of corruption within My priesthood and so I looked. Whom shall I choose? Go to the sea and find some simple fishermen, a prostitute, a tax collector, and I will turn the world upside down. Do not go to Caiaphas; do not go to Herod. Do not go to the leaders; they mean nothing. Take a few, says the Lord, My Son - fishermen, prostitute, tax collector, and I’ll turn the world upside down. So it is today again to you America, to the leaders who blame the Senate, the emperor. They are nothing. If you would stand together and go into My Holy Place once again.--Kim Clement
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