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Monday, December 1, 2014


Zechariah 13:6 And if someone asks, ‘Then what about those wounds on your chest?’ he will say, ‘I was wounded at my friends’ house!’ (NLT)

It has been said, "there is no burn like a church burn." And while that maybe true this verse is not a license to hurt people in the church. Though Jesus was wounded and then murdered by religion, that doesn't mean that we should allow an atmosphere of hurt and destruction in our churches. Far to long the local church has become a killing floor for spiritualized henchmen to slaughter the saints.

Our churches must become safe-havens for saltless saints. Repairers of the breech. Holy healers and helpers to the hurting. We live in a time of great challenges. As Paul stated in 2 Timothy 3:1 "perilous times."

What are the risks? It has also been said that, "hurting people hurt people." We must be braced for those who will come in among us with walled up hearts. Some will not "enter His gates with thanksgiving", rather they will enter with unthankful closed up gates that will be difficult to mend. In all of this, we must commit our hearts to be healers, repairers and restorers to the hurting and the helpless. It is a choice that you and I will be faced with. What about you, are you a healer?

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