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Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Have you ever been defriended or defriended someone on facebook? Come on, you know you have. What was the reason? Maybe they were posting things that were offensive to you. Or perhaps they were just bringing to much drama into your life. Maybe your friendship simply drifted apart. What ever the reason, you have had to deal with the negitive side of social media.

If you are a Christian,  you need to be aware that there is a huge difference between friendship and biblical fellowship. So whats the difference?

Friendship [a friendly feeling or attitude; friendliness].

Fellowship [a group of people with the same interest, a company or brotherhood]

Friendship is based on common likes and dislikes; fellowship is based on a common identity.

Friendships can be very selective; fellowship reaches out to those not like us.

Friendships can be temporary; fellowship is permanent.

Friendship is optional; fellowship is not.

We choose our friends; God chooses our fellowship.

Friendship places us in a unique relationship with a person; fellowship places us in a unique relationship with a family.

You can defriend but you can not defellowship!

1 Corinthians 12:13 some of us are Jews, some are Gentiles, some are slaves, and some are free. But we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit.--By Randall Burton

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