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Thursday, November 13, 2014


I just thought of a really cool idea on how we can decorate and accentuate our stages in our churches. Wouldn't it be awesome to decorate the back walls of our stages with the formerly used prosthetic devices, cruches, wheelchairs...after healing services? What if the Glory of God lit our stages and replaced our man made attempts to recreate an ambience of light? I think people would go for some real smoke rolling off our stages for a change instead of the manufactured smoke machines of today. Maybe its time that we have a Godufactured church where men step out of the way and point others toward the Holy of Holies instead of the souley of soulies! All of our tips, tricks and tics to get people into our seats have built up our kingdom and have made our names, but not so much His. We've made it about our meity instead of His deity. Its become our thingdom and not his kingdom. I have come to the realization that people dont come to church to hear me, they're coming to see him!

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